
“The physician’s highest calling, his only calling, is to make sick people healthy – to heal, as it is termed.” – Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843)

Homeopathy is one of the world’s safest and most profoundly curative systems of medicine. Homeopathy is practiced worldwide and is one of the most economical, effective and safe systems of medicine available. Homeopathic practitioners devote years of study to become competent in homeopathy. In Canada, Naturopathic Doctors are trained and regulated to practice Homeopathic Medicine. Homeopathy is widely practiced in Europe, India and South America. In the U.K., homeopathic treatment is part of the publicly funded health care system. In some countries, only Medical Doctors who have taken specialist training in Homeopathy are permitted to prescribe homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy is a safe and effective way to manage a broad range of physical, mental and emotional conditions, including common health concerns of childhood, pregnancy, and postpartum; colds and flus; ailments following a grief, shock or injury; and areas where we seem to get “stuck” mentally or emotionally with specific sets of symptoms. The whole person is always considered when a homeopathic medicine is selected. Homeopathic remedies are available as pellets, tablets and liquids to take orally, and also as topical gels, creams and ointments. Homeopathic medicines are non-toxic (even if the original source material was toxic) because of their extensive dilutions. When prescribed appropriately these remedies are gentle yet profoundly healing and curative due to their energetic nature. Health conditions that are unresponsive to conventional medicine have been ameliorated by homeopathy.

Guelph Naturopathic Doctor, Elizabeth Cherevaty ND, practices Hahnemannian homeopathy, which is the most classical approach to this healing modality. Homeopathic medicines are easy to take and have no toxic side effects or adverse drug interactions. A homeopathic prescription requires a thorough review and analysis of your health history and current concerns, followed by careful follow-up. The most profoundly healing homeopathic medicine will be the one that best matches the totality of your symptoms, including physical, mental and emotional concerns. Because homeopathy is so individualized, keep in mind that there is no one homeopathic medicine “x” for condition “y”. (This is part of the reason why conventional randomized controlled trials are not an appropriate way to study homeopathy). In homeopathy, we are treating people, not just diseases. Dr. Cherevaty will provide you with instructions about how to take your remedy and when to follow up to ensure your healing is progressing well.

Discovery & History of Homeopathy

Homeopathic Medicine was discovered in Germany by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, MD (1755-1843) a physician and scholar who abandoned the harmfulness and inefficiency of the practice of medicine and chose to earn a living translating books, as he was proficient in several languages. Through this work, in 1790, Hahnemann observed that the plant Cinchona was used in the treatment of malaria symptoms, and yet the same plant, when given to a healthy person, could produce symptoms similar to those of malaria, including intermittent fever and chills. This observation suggested a new medical principle: “like cures like” or “similia similibus curentur”.
Hahnemann went on to conduct numerous studies called provings, administering smaller and smaller doses of natural substances to healthy people and observing the symptoms they produced. Upon administration of these remedies to sick people with similar symptoms, the most “similar” remedy was found to have curative effects.

Contact us to find out more about how you can benefit from Homeopathic Medicine.